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Five Global Tasks of Proctoring: How Monitoring Systems Development Changes the World

Proctoring increasingly influences our lives in a local and global sense. Here we will demonstrate how AI monitoring systems make the world a better place.

1. AI Technologies development

Proctoring systems developers are continually working on the improvement of AI algorithmic efficiency to monitor exams even better. For example, at Examus, we have increased the accuracy of face recognition technology to 99%. AI proctor performance, however, is not perfect yet. For instance, if there is a TV in the background with faces appearing on the screen, the cyberproctor may interpret this as the presence of other people in the room. Or a sudden lightning change, such as turning on and off a desk lamp, can be registered as a possible violation akin to replacing a student with another person.

Currently, we are working on bringing AI efficiency to a new level: the cyberproctor learns to recognize masked faces and correctly respond to lighting changes. We are also
developing an algorithm that is able to register violations by examining the students' long-term behavior from several events. For example, looking away every 3–5 seconds indicates cheating, and the cyberproctor will mark this as a violation. In a global sense, by developing proctoring systems, we are improving the artificial intelligence technologies impacting numberous spheres of our lives.

2. Improving the quality of education

Online proctoring directly impacts the education level. With Examus, students must be prepared to take exams honestly. According to our data, 85% of people do not violate the university's rules on exams monitored by the proctor. Another 12% make a one-time attempt to cheat, but they behave properly after an immediate fine or warning. As a result, universities using Examus experience an increase in the quality of education and knowledge acquisition in their programs. Globally, this means that the more universities in different countries that integrate proctoring technologies, the more the education level rises worldwide.

3. Highly qualified specialist training

The results of joint research by LinkedIn & KPMG are impressive: In 1995, only 4% of companies trained employees online; today, more than 90% of corporations do so. To remotely assess the employees' levels of knowledge, we must control the way employees take tests. This is especially important in manufacturing and critical infrastructure sectors (e.g., power plants, nuclear power plants, transport, or construction), where workers must pass exams regularly to be admitted to work. In these areas, a lack of qualification can lead to enormous negative consequences and harm to innocent victims. With proctoring, companies worldwide can be confident that their employees have the necessary skills and expertise to operate efficiently and safely.

4. Creating an equal opportunities environment

In both education and corporate training, proctoring has a critical mission: ensuring equal opportunities. It is unfair for a cheating student to gain a higher score or for a cheating candidate to receive a company job. They have an illicit advantage over users who take tests honestly. We are convinced that modern society needs fair competition with clearly defined, precisely controlled rules. Proctoring technology is one of the best ways to ensure this.

5. Technological infrastructure development stimulation

In some cases in our practice, students did not have the necessary tools (e.g., acomputer or Internet connection) to meet the minimum technical requirements for the online proctoring systems operation. However, passing the exam encourages learners to purchase modern equipment and universities to improve their infrastructure. Thus, we indirectly stimulate high-tech network expansion.

As the above examples show, the widespread use of online proctoring technologies has a local effect on universities and companies and a global impact on many areas of our life.

Examus team

December 14, 2020.
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