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User identification options

User identification options

One of the most popular cheating attempts is the exam taker being replaced by another person. That’s why user identification is of crucial importance for ensuring academic integrity of online exams. Examus provides 3 options for user identification.


User Identification Options

Identification by human


This is the easiest way to identify users when Examus receives only the student's name from the LMS. Before the start of the exam, the system asks the exam-taker to take a photo of the document and their face. The human proctor verifies the user's photo and name manually in real time, or during post-verification.

Biometric identification by AI


In this mode, the AI ​​automatically identifies users before starting the test.

To do this, Examus must receive the student's full name and photograph from the LMS (only the face, and a fairly up-to-date photo). Before the start of the exam, the system will ask the exam taker to take a photo of the face and automatically compare this photo with the photo from the LMS. In case of mismatch, two options are possible:
1. The user will not be admitted to the exam;
2. The user will be able to pass the exam but the system will flag the case of unsuccessful identification.

As a result, the human proctor will be able to first pay attention to suspicious videos and double-check the identity of the examinee.

Biometric Identification by ID


When using this mode, only the user's full name from the LMS is transferred to Examus.
Before the start of the exam, the examinee will need to take a photo of the document and their own face, and the system will automatically compare the photo of the face with the photo in the document, as well as the full name in the document with the full name in the LMS.
As in the previous mode, there are two ways to handle the unsuccessful identification: by denying the user access to the exam or marking the unsuccessful identification.
A third party provider is being used.